Subscribing / Unsubscribing a new instrument during runtime


I have a question on the procedure to subscribe / unsubscribe a new symbol during execution time of my application.

Say, at the beginning of starting my application I have subscribed for RELIANCE and HDFCBANK using the API command Ticker.Subscribe("RELIANCE","HDFCBANK") and getting tick data. Now I want to subscribe for TATASTEEL on top of RELIANCE and HDFCBANK so that I start receiving tick data for TATASTEEL also. What string do I need to pass to the subscribe function ?




Similar question goes for unsubscribe also where I want to unsubscribe "RELIANCE" keeping other subscriptions intact so that no tick is received for RELIANCE after unsubscribing.

Please provide the pseudo code for both subscribing and unsubscribing for above scenario.

  • sujith
    You can subscribe for any token any time during the execution. Consider you already have a connection and getting ticks for RELIANCE and HDFCBANK, you can subscribe to TATASTEEL as follows,


    The same rule applies to unsubscribe as well.
  • DA1077
    Thank you for the clarification.
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