Using kiteconnect nodejs library on angular 2

I wanted to use the kiteconnect nodejs library in an angular 2 app but I am getting many module not found errors for modules like 'zlib','tls',stream,https,http,crypto. What should I do to make it angular 2 compatible ?
  • sujith
    Hi @kartik2206,
    kiteconnectjs is a backend client library, one can't use it in front-end framework.

    PS: Redistribution of the Kite Connect data is not recommended. It is against regulations.
  • gaurav_ch
    @kartik2206 run the nodejs module server side. when you use npm install, it will install all the modules on the server. You can only use the angular 2 frontend to see the output. Approach it with same logic as any web application you develop. You cannot run nodejs library in the browser.
  • kartik2206
    How will then we update the instruments via an API call on our database as the API call requires access token which is generated when a user tries to log in.
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