About getting active order list

i want to know the function which can provide me the all active open bracket order positions. i mean if there are total 10 pending bracket order request and 2 of them are activated so i need those 2 active orders list /. can you please suggest me the function i can call to get those information ? because i call kite.GetPositions(); but it gives me all the positions of all the day but i only need just currently active bracket orders not pending and not completed.
  • sujith
    You need to check the quantity at your end and filter out the results.
  • sujith
    Kite Connect is purely an execution platform. We don't provide solutions to write strategies.
    You can find all the details here.
  • rishiswethan
    kite.orders() will return all details you asked for
  • deepmangukiya
    ok got it thank for the help. we can close this ticket.
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