Multiple Orders Rejected (need immediate attention)

My orders have been rejected with the following message.
"MIS / BO / CO orders are blocked for this instrument (try CNC / NRML) or it has been restricted from trading."

User ID: YE3246
Order ID: 191206000989596

Order ID: 191206000945294

I have taken Long trade (Cover Order) of the same instruments in the morning, but I couldn't exit the trade on time due to this issue. I incurred big loss due to this.

Please look into all the trades that are executed / rejected on the day "06-12-2019" for the User ID YE3246, and let me know what went wrong.

  • krishmetra
    After thoroughly checking the Trade details from NSE for the user ID: YE3246 on 06-12-2019,
    I understood that,
    1. I was allowed only LONG Cover Order trades for the instruments,
    2. I was also allowed to Square off the LONG Cover Orders.
    3. I was denied to go SHORT Cover Orders for the same instruments. these orders never reached the Exchange, these were blocked by Zerodha RMS.

    I have the following queries:

    1. If any particular instrument is blocked for MIS/CO/BO trades, it should have been blocked for both LONG and SHORT trades. Allowing LONG trades and denying SHORT trades doesn't make any sense.
    2. It is really suspicious to see that SHORT trades are blocked on a day when MARKETS have moved 350 (0.8%) points down.
    3. No intimation from Zerodha on " Blocking MIS/CO/BO trades" on that particular day.

    I am expecting clear-cut answers to these queries.
  • sujith
    You can check out more about this here.
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