Is Variety = NRML or regular?

The variety is showing as NRML for symbols like NIFTY20JAN12600CE, NIFTY20JAN11800PE, etc. (options). The documentation here says variety is one of regular, amo, bo, co.

Our order update system is throwing errors due to this. Pls clarify.

Ramakrishnan S
  • sujith
    Can you let us know where you are looking at the variety NRML?
  • ramatius
    @sujith In the order details from . Example below.

    | oid | average_price | cancelled_quantity | disclosed_quantity | exchange | exchange_order_id | exchange_timestamp | filled_quantity | instrument_token | market_protection | order_id | order_timestamp | order_type | parent_order_id | pending_quantity | placed_by | price | product | quantity | status | status_message | tag | tradingsymbol | transaction_type | trigger_price | validity | variety | guid | exchange_update_timestamp | meta |
    | 50274 | 15.25 | NULL | NULL | NFO | 1000000002863262 | 2019-12-16 09:33:59 | 225 | NULL | NULL | 191216000455893 | 2019-12-16 09:33:59 | MARKET | NULL | NULL | ABCDEF | 0 | NRML | 225 | COMPLETE | NULL | NULL | NIFTY19DEC11700PE | SELL | 0 | DAY | NRML | NULL | NULL | NULL |
  • sujith
    It seems fine from our end.
  • sujith
    There is no variety NRML.
  • ramatius
    @sujith Strange. We are simply transferring it into the database directly from JSON (i.e. field names are matched 1-1). Not possible for any field mismatch to happen.

    Anyway, now we are checking for NRML for variety for NRML orders. Hope it stays that way moving forward.
  • sujith
    There are only four types of varieties regular, bo, co and amo
  • sujith
    NRML is a product type.
  • ramatius
    That is the issue I am pointing out. :)
    NRML should be in product, not in variety field.
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