Websocket instrument stream Limits not yet clear from documentation and forum

Hi Team,

I have checked in forum and the documentation regarding the websocket and instruments limitations, but is not yet clear. Below are the links, gone through.


Request for below clarifications

1) Maximum how many websocket connections its possible to open for a given api key ? And does it change in future ?
2) Maximum of how many instruments can be streamed per connection ?
3) Maximum of how many instruments can be streamed per api key ?
4) If duplicate instruments are provided in the instrument list on same websocket connection, does it stream twice or only once ?
5) If duplicate instruments are provided in the instrument list on different websocket connections, is it going to stream the same data in each of the respective connection ? Idea behind asking is, whether the mapping is for the websocket connection or the api key.
6) I suppose there is no such validation performed when the token list has any invalid ones. Its the customer who needs to ensure to provide only valid list of instrument id ?

Thank you.
  • sujith
    One can open up to 3 websocket connections per api_key. This may change in the future.
    One can subscribe for up to 3000 instruments per websocket connection and hence a total of 9000 instruments per api_key.
    If there are duplicate tokens then your count of subscribed tokens will increase but data you receive will be only once.
    It is the user's responsibility to send valid tokens for subscribing to live market data.
  • mnkartik
    Wow thats a great upgrade guys. Keep up the GREAT work zerodha.
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