Historical Data mismatch

Please find below code is am using to print historical minute level candlestick data for VGUARD.

Map param8 = new HashMap(){
put("from", "2016-11-08");
put("to", "2016-11-08");
HistoricalData historicalData = kiteconnect.getHistoricalData(param8, "136435972", "minute");

Open,High,Low,Close,Vol,Timestamp from above code using API

Note last row above where Close value @ 14:03 is shown as 205.85 and if you check the minute candle in zerodha kite website close price for same timestamp is shown as 205.20. Please help me understand why the difference in closing price for same timestamp data in API and Kite web?

Chintan Parmar

  • sujith
    Hi @chintanvhparmar,
    This token you are using is BSE, what did you compare with?
  • chintanvhparmar
    Hi @sujith,
    Thanks for quick reply. I got my mistake, i used BSE token instead of NSE, missed to check the exchange while searching for VGUARD and first one was BSE. The kite chart for VGUARD.BSE matches what was returned by API. Appreciate quick help on this issue.

    Chintan Parmar
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