Inconsistent Trading Symbols

Dear Zerodha, @sujith
Today, 15th June 2020, we noticed that two of the symbols which we traded, are accompanied by * (asterisk) symbol as a suffix while retrieving Holdings. However, they are without * symbol in Positions. Could you please let us know the reason for this? - This causes some failures in our downstream jobs.


In addition to this, all our FINPIPE holdings has been changed to FINOLEXIND. Please let us know the reason for this as well.

Thanks a lot

  • sujith
    This sent by the BSE when there is some kind of corporate action on that.
  • sujith
    You can refer to this.
  • ArthaKalpa
    But @sujith our positions and holdings are only in NSE. Is there some cross-exchange information sharing or something?
    And also what about FINPIPE and FINOLEXIND?
  • sujith
    You can refer to this support article.
  • ArthaKalpa
    Thanks a lot @sujith
    Could you please clarify between FINPIPE and FINOLEXIND?
  • sujith
    What about these instruments?
  • ArthaKalpa
    We have never placed an order for FINOLEXIND. All our orders till date have been placed for FINPIPE in NSE. However, current Holdings show that all our shares are under FINOLEXIND. We even get Instrument invalid while placing an order for FINPIPE for the past 2 days. Could you please clarify why this is happening?
  • sujith
    This shouldn't happen. Let me check.
  • sujith
    When did you buy FINPIPE?
  • ArthaKalpa
    We last bought FINPIPE last week. However, none of our orders this week related to FINPIPE are honored...
    Please check and let us know.

  • ArthaKalpa
    We have last bought FINPIPE on 2020-06-11 Thursday.
    Hope this helps
  • themohammedfaisal
    themohammedfaisal edited June 2020
    @ArthaKalpa ,
    NSE symbol for Finolex Industries limited is FINPIPE while the BSE symbol has changed to FINOLEXIND.
    Starting Monday, we have started showing the symbol with the higher previous close price in your holdings to ensure you get the better price to sell your holdings. Hence, the BSE symbol is updated for your account. More details.
  • ArthaKalpa
    @themohammedfaisal and @sujith
    Thanks for the clarification. Is it possible to revert back to the previous version and keep it simple? - It kinda becomes annoying to handle changing tradingSymbols and exchanges. Y don't we just let the traders decide if they want to change the exchange (and also symbol) which they want to SELL in if at all they are concerned about the arbitrage?
    This dynamic symbol and exchange interface might not be the right way to indicate. Could you consider indicating it in a different way (maybe a different color or something) to show that the other exchange has a higher price and leave the Holdings as it was in the previous versions?

    Thanks a lot
  • themohammedfaisal
    Is it possible to revert back to the previous version and keep it simple?
    Previously, we used to show the NSE symbol and LTP by default. This has been one of the most asked requests by our clients and we decided to implement it.
    ISIN is the unique identifier for holdings across exchanges and you can use that to fix this issue of trading symbol being different across exchanges(We will be adding ISIN to the Kite instrument master too).
  • ArthaKalpa
    Thanks @themohammedfaisal for the clarification
  • ArthaKalpa
    @sujith and @themohammedfaisal
    Regarding * accompanying the symbols for companies with corporate action, like SUNPHARMA* shown at the top of this discussion, why don't you indicate that differently? Maybe like you show EVENT (in case there is some news for that company). Coz, why should the TradingSymbol change just because there is some action on that company. Could you consider this feature request?

  • ArthaKalpa
    @sujith and @themohammedfaisal
    Could you please reply?
  • sujith
    This is done by the exchange as mentioned in the other thread. We have no control over that.
  • ArthaKalpa
    ArthaKalpa edited July 2020
    @sujith and @themohammedfaisal
    Please notice that this * symbol is causing a misrepresentation even in your app.
    Though I have certain holdings of SUNPHARMA, the briefcase symbol is not shown (which indicates holdings), right? Are you planning to fix it?

    Thanks and regards
  • ArthaKalpa
    @sujith and @themohammedfaisal
    Did you guys notice the briefcase mismatch in the kite app (UI)? Please let me know if not showing the holdings in the briefcase is an expected behavior

  • sujith
    This forum is dedicated only to Kite Connect related queries. Please write to support for other platform related queries.
  • ArthaKalpa
    Cool. I will ask in the support forum
    Thanks @sujith
This discussion has been closed.