Login Sequence Using KiteConnect nuget package

Hi Members,

I am new to this platform. I am trying to connect Kite API by following the documentaion https://github.com/zerodhatech/dotnetkiteconnect.
There are three steps
Kite kite = new Kite(MyAPIKey, Debug: true);
User user = kite.GenerateSession(RequestToken, MySecret);

I am confused between MyAPIKey, Request Token and MYSecret
I think MyAPIKey is API Key, MySecret i s Scret Key as shown below.
But how did I get RequestToken, I read many threads and documentation. How do i get Request token from url?
Can anyone post a real world sample code?

  • sandeepkr130
    I got the answer. We need to copy the result url of kite.GetLoginURL(); APi and paste it in browser. It will redirect to another page and redirection url has request token. Dear API team you can make more complex login procedures for sure ;)
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