Margin API down

The new margin api is down. ("") It is returning a 503 error.

  • sujith
    Is this still happening?
    Can you give example params?
  • rohitpoddar
    rohitpoddar edited October 2020
    head = {'Authorization': (apikey:accesstok), 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Kite-Version': '3'}
    d = [{"exchange":"NFO","tradingsymbol":"SBIN20NOV140CE","transaction_type":"SELL","variety":"regular","product":"NRML","order_type":"MARKET","quantity":3000,"price":0}]

    m ="", headers = head, data=d)
  • sujith
    I got this response,
    "type": "equity",
    "tradingsymbol": "SBIN20NOV140CE",
    "exchange": "NFO",
    "span": 332910,
    "exposure": 19850.250000000004,
    "option_premium": 0,
    "additional": 0,
    "bo": 0,
    "cash": 0,
    "var": 0,
    "pnl": {
    "realised": 0,
    "unrealised": 0
    "total": 352760.25
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