How to place stop loss and target(exit price) for intraday order

I am using below code snippet for placing order. My expectation is, below code snippet it will place intraday order with Target (exit price) & stop loss but this is not reality.

order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol = 'TATAMOTORS',
exchange = kite.EXCHANGE_NSE,
transaction_type = kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,
quantity = 1,
order_type = kite.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT,
product = kite.PRODUCT_MIS,
variety = kite.VARIETY_REGULAR,
price = 296.4,
squareoff = 298.6,
trigger_price = stop_loss - 1,
stoploss = 293.4)

Can you help me to place "stop loss and target (exit price)" for intraday with API?
  • sujith
    sujith edited January 2021
    The field stoploss field is only used for bracket order.
    You need to place a stoploss limit order with price and trigger price.
  • Kamalv
    I am selecting API parameters as per zerodha manual trade. Please find attached screenshot.

    I am going to use below code snippet for placing a buy order, stop loss and target price. Could you verify and feel free to correct if anything wrong (I'm new to API trading hope you don't mind).

    #Place Order
    order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol = 'TATAMOTORS',
    exchange = 'NSE',
    transaction_type = 'BUY',
    quantity = 1,
    product = 'MIS',
    variety = 'regular',
    order_type = 'LIMIT',
    price = 296.4)

    #Stop Loss
    sl_order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol = 'TATAMOTORS',
    exchange = 'NSE',
    transaction_type = 'SELL',
    quantity = 1,
    product = 'MIS',
    variety = 'regular',
    order_type = 'SL',
    trigger_price = 292.4,
    stoploss = 293.4)

    exit_order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol = 'TATAMOTORS',
    exchange = 'NSE',
    transaction_type = 'BUY',
    quantity = 1,
    product = 'MIS',
    variety = 'regular',
    order_type = 'LIMIT',
    price = 298.4)
  • sujith
    You need to add validity to all orders.
    The limit orders seem fine, you will have to remove stoploss from SL order and use price.
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