C#: The given key was not present in the dictionary after placing an Order

After I place an order using Kite.PlaceOrder (Which succeeds) I am getting an Exception "The given key was not present in the dictionary" and Kite connection is reconnecting (I am not getting any order update as well)
Dictionary<string, dynamic> response = kite.PlaceOrder(
Exchange: "NSE",
TradingSymbol: "AXISBANK",
TransactionType: Constants.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,
Quantity: 1,
Price: 752.0M,
OrderType: Constants.ORDER_TYPE_LIMIT,
Validity: Constants.VALIDITY_DAY,
Product: Constants.PRODUCT_MIS
order_id = response["data"]["order_id"];

  • rakeshr
    Exception "The given key was not present in the dictionary"
    This is a generic exception, you need to give us a detailed error trace.
    You can enable debug logs, as below:
    Kite kite = new Kite(MyAPIKey, Debug: true);
  • CruiserAbhi
    Thanks Rakesh, I made the order execution in a different thread and it solved the problem of exception.
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