Read timed out when fetching holdings/positions


From the last 1 week, I am getting this error in python:
Error HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=7)
This error happens usually only at 9:15-9:16.

Code that I am using:
I am getting this error consistently, between 9:15 to 9:16. It usually works after 9:16 or 9:17.
  • KamalChhirang
    @sujith Can you please also have a look at this issue.

    The timeout error happens a lot when the market opens. I am using Google Cloud Mumbai VM, so I think client side connection is good.

    This seems like some issue due to overload on Zerodha servers when the market opens, can your team please do something about it.
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