Order Status related queries

1. If order is partially cancelled, what will be the order status Cancelled Or Completed?
2. If I have placed order for 100 quantity and it gets filled at different timestamp. for example, initially it filled 20quantities, then after some time I received more 30 and after some time receied remaining 50 quantities. In this case, when I will be getting order update with status Completed? after filling entire quantity or after each quantity fill?
if I will get order status completed after filling entire quantity, then what will be status for previous partially filled updates?

If possible, Please suggest a way to replicate this while placing test orders.
  • sujith
    If an order is cancelled then the status will be CANCELLED, only the filled quantity will be non-zero.
    A partially filled order status remains OPEN if it is a pending order. In case of postbacks you will receive the order status as UPDATE for every trade. You can fetch orderbook and see the actual status.
    If possible, Please suggest a way to replicate this while placing test orders.
    You will have to find a less liquid instrument and place an order. There is no definitive way to do this. You will have to analyze market depth in the live market.
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