availability of Circuit high - low limits for scrips of the day?

trade_then edited January 2018 in General
Which api has these implemented. I couldn`t find any. It is required because before maket starts at 9:15.
The recieved data sometime has out of bounds values. such as
( abbreviated view below )
"Mode": "full",
"InstrumentToken": 2977281,
"LastPrice": 172.7,
"LastQuantity": 13,
"Bids": [
"Quantity": 101,
"Price": 42949672.95,
"Orders": 10
"Offers": [
"Quantity": 164,
"Price": 42949672.95,
"Orders": 4

As you can see 42949672.95 is way off-scale. so if we get circuit prices.
Just as we download instrument list once a day.
To download circuit breakers would be help full.
For checking the validity of the price range.
Which may get gargled because of various reasons.

  • sujith
    As of now, we don't have circuit limit. We are trying to aggregate this data.
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