Hello, The issue is with the place_order(). Minimum arguments have been supplied but still it is showing the same error as shown below: TypeError : place_order() takes at least 8 arguments (8 given).
Please help if anything is missed. Thanks in advance.
Hey Zartimus, The version of the api is 3 and the code is this : order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol="REL",exchange = kite.EXCHANGE_NSE,transaction_type = kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,quantity = 10,order_type = kite.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET,product = kite.PRODUCT_NRML,disclosed_quantity = 20)
Hey Sujith, Have checked it with another symbol as well. The error is : File "document_for_connect_changed.py", line 14, in order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol="ACC",exchange = kite.EXCHANGE_NS E,transaction_type = kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,quantity = 10,order_type = kite.O RDER_TYPE_MARKET,product = kite.PRODUCT_NRML,disclosed_quantity = 20) TypeError: place_order() takes at least 8 arguments (8 given)
@Kaps_Advisory@mohit77bansal@akshay12489 There is one param named "variety=kite.VARIETY_REGULAR", which is necessary. after supplying this, issue will be solved. it can be BO, CO or regular. Hope it helps.
The version of the api is 3 and the code is this :
order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol="REL",exchange = kite.EXCHANGE_NSE,transaction_type = kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,quantity = 10,order_type = kite.ORDER_TYPE_MARKET,product = kite.PRODUCT_NRML,disclosed_quantity = 20)
Have checked it with another symbol as well. The error is :
File "document_for_connect_changed.py", line 14, in
order_id = kite.place_order(tradingsymbol="ACC",exchange = kite.EXCHANGE_NS
E,transaction_type = kite.TRANSACTION_TYPE_BUY,quantity = 10,order_type = kite.O
RDER_TYPE_MARKET,product = kite.PRODUCT_NRML,disclosed_quantity = 20)
TypeError: place_order() takes at least 8 arguments (8 given)
Please suggest.
Did you find any solution for this? I'm facing the same issue.
are you still facing this issue or have u solved it, if so, please let me know ?