You will have to calculate the percentage from the full market quote. This gives you absolute open interest, from which you need to take previous days and or any previous minutes's and then calculate percentage.
Chng in OI : which explains, how many contracts/quantity is added today in options,futures for a particular scrip for a particular strike. this i feel an important variable to show strength of CE options PE options, in given time.
@ravinder_konka No, we don't have % change or change in oi data in WebSocket feed. We provide below oi data: 'oi': XXX, 'oi_day_high':XXX, 'oi_day_low': XXX
Check the response attributes here
Chng in OI : which explains, how many contracts/quantity is added today in options,futures for a particular scrip for a particular strike. this i feel an important variable to show strength of CE options PE options, in given time.
No, we don't have % change or change in oi data in WebSocket feed.
We provide below oi data:
'oi': XXX, 'oi_day_high':XXX, 'oi_day_low': XXX