1. Assume I subscribed 10 securities(for example S1,S2,S3,..,S10).
a) Will WebSocket receive ticks data in the same order of subscription or randomly? b) if WebSocket receives 7 data for a particular time, will those data also be in order of subscription ? (for example S1,S2,S4,S6,S7,S8,S10(In Order)--> where S3,S5 and S9 are not received).
2. Is there any limitation like a order can be edited maximum N number of times ?
3. Assume I have placed a order modification request. But if I again place one or more modification request for the same order before executing the first modification request then what is going to happen ?
a) Will the modification request took place in order I placed it or randomly ? b) Will all or any of my modification request will get cancelled ?
4. How frequently(in time) can we modify/edit a order ?
5. If a order is completed(or Exited) but if program still place a modify/edit request, what is going to happen. Will I receive a error message ?
6. Assume I subscribed 20 securities, for same Request_Token
a) Can I subscribe one/more securities additionally ? b) Can I unsubscribe one/more securities from already subscribed 20 securities?
Hi @Amitesh, 1. The order in which you receive data shouldn't matter. You need to check instrument token of an incoming tick and then take action. 2. There is no hard limit on the number of modifications but if your algorithm modifies more than 100 times then RMS will be flagged and your API may be disabled. 3. When you get 200 status for modification request from Kite Connect, it means order modification request is successful, it doesn't mean order modification is successful. You need to fetch orderbook or fetch order history to check if the order is modified or not. 4. You can check out API rate limits here. 5. No, you won't receive an error message in the response but order status message will have a message like order not open. 6. You can subscribe and unsubscribe tokens dynamically anytime as long as your connection is open. You can check out example here. At any point of time, you can subscribe for up to 3000 tokens with one websocket connection.
1. Order matter's if you consider time. If data comes in order then we can check instrument token of an incoming tick more faster, which saves the time. So do you know if it comes in order or randomly ? 2. Is the 100 for one order modification ? If Yes then no issue but otherwise If I place 20 Order(or more) in a day then this 100 modification request for 20 orders are so less. 3. ok 4. ok 5. ok 6. ok
You will receive tick whenever there is a change. Nobody can predict when market data changes. It is random, as long as you are checking instrument token it shouldn't matter.
Thanks for the information . By the way, as you mentioned previously in comment -- "2. There is no hard limit on the number of modifications but if your algorithm modifies more than 100 times then RMS will be flagged and your API may be disabled." So if my API gets disabled, how long will it take to become enable ? and what is RMS ?
RMS is the risk management team managing risk across clients on our end. As for time taken to reinstate API access, this would depend on the RMS team's discretion. Someone from here would call you and discuss the case with you. You'd be told on the call if the suspension will be immediately lifted or if you need to do take any action.
1. The order in which you receive data shouldn't matter. You need to check instrument token of an incoming tick and then take action.
2. There is no hard limit on the number of modifications but if your algorithm modifies more than 100 times then RMS will be flagged and your API may be disabled.
3. When you get 200 status for modification request from Kite Connect, it means order modification request is successful, it doesn't mean order modification is successful. You need to fetch orderbook or fetch order history to check if the order is modified or not.
4. You can check out API rate limits here.
5. No, you won't receive an error message in the response but order status message will have a message like order not open.
6. You can subscribe and unsubscribe tokens dynamically anytime as long as your connection is open. You can check out example here.
At any point of time, you can subscribe for up to 3000 tokens with one websocket connection.
1. Order matter's if you consider time. If data comes in order then we can check instrument token of an incoming tick more faster, which saves the time. So do you know if it comes in order or randomly ?
2. Is the 100 for one order modification ? If Yes then no issue but otherwise If I place 20 Order(or more) in a day then this 100 modification request for 20 orders are so less.
3. ok
4. ok
5. ok
6. ok
The order modification limit is for one order.
Thanks for the information
By the way, as you mentioned previously in comment -- "2. There is no hard limit on the number of modifications but if your algorithm modifies more than 100 times then RMS will be flagged and your API may be disabled."
So if my API gets disabled, how long will it take to become enable ?
and what is RMS ?