@HowUTrade tried to reregister DLL as administrator but tying Y in command promt there is an error as "your folder contains special characters pls rename it and try". which folder , i tried renaming KiteNet_Test to KiteNetTest?
1. Make sure the downloaded file is not blocked. 2. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to some folder (Ex: Kite) in Desktop or MyDocuments 3. Make sure the extracted folder doesn't contain brackets '(' ')' 4. Run the register.bat file as Admin.
@HowUTrade yes I could really re-register the DLLs but now when I open my kitexl workbook and try to log in there is an error ....class does not support automation or does not support expected interface @sujith
ModifyBOSl function checks for the order type of the passed OrderId, if it is other than SL, then this function will throw error 'Order is not BO stoploss order'
There are two possibilities in your case; 1. You are passing the wrong order id. If this is case make sure, correct stoploss order id is passed.
2. Your stoploss order might have triggered. Once a SL order is triggered it will be converted in to LIMIT order by OMS/Exch. After trigger, the order type changes from SL --> LIMIT. If this is the case, you can safely assume that the BO order is closed or the Stoploss order is either CANCELLED or COMPLETE. So you can ignore this error.
@HowUTrade I will recheck but I was passing child orderid with SL ordertype to modifyBOSLbridge not ModifyBOSL.
But you saying modifyBOSL or bridge version of it itself checks ordertype , if that is the case then I can pass both child order IDs to these udf and correct order will be modified when UDF triggered, right?
@HowUTrade ExitBOSL is working! Modifybosl is hard to configure and one doesn't really need to modifybosl every time LTP changes, that so much of work for excel and oms rather I am trailing stoploss in excel only and exiting when it is hit!
You may also check the order history too.
Bridge logs say NotBOStoporderexception
But I am using child id with SL odertye to pass to ModifyBOSLbridge
Can you try installing the test version?
This has been fixed in the test version.
You can download it from here
More info on this https://support.zerodha.com/category/trading-and-markets/margin-leverage-and-product-and-order-types/articles/bo-stop-loss-instead-of-slm
I had already downloaded the latest kitexl version from a link on this forum.
So I need rewrite all my VBA code again in new kitexl also the strategy, that would be painful????????
No need to rewrite.
Just use your existing workbook.
You need to install/Register the DLL only.
You can always use your existing workbook irrespective of any updates.
tried to reregister DLL as administrator but tying Y in command promt there is an error as "your folder contains special characters pls rename it and try". which folder , i tried renaming KiteNet_Test to KiteNetTest?
1. Make sure the downloaded file is not blocked.
2. Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to some folder (Ex: Kite) in Desktop or MyDocuments
3. Make sure the extracted folder doesn't contain brackets '(' ')'
4. Run the register.bat file as Admin.
What abt bridge logs that I had posted here?
You can raise your concern regarding 'comment posting' error with Kite team.
Also, you can email the logs to help@howutrade.in
Regarding the Excel error, pls refer this link
We checked the logs.
ModifyBOSl function checks for the order type of the passed OrderId, if it is other than SL, then this function will throw error 'Order is not BO stoploss order'
There are two possibilities in your case;
1. You are passing the wrong order id.
If this is case make sure, correct stoploss order id is passed.
2. Your stoploss order might have triggered.
Once a SL order is triggered it will be converted in to LIMIT order by OMS/Exch.
After trigger, the order type changes from SL --> LIMIT.
If this is the case, you can safely assume that the BO order is closed or the Stoploss order is either CANCELLED or COMPLETE. So you can ignore this error.
Hope Point2 is your case.
But you saying modifyBOSL or bridge version of it itself checks ordertype , if that is the case then I can pass both child order IDs to these udf and correct order will be modified when UDF triggered, right?
ModifyBOSL & ModifyBOSLBridge, both functions does the same thing.
Yes, you can just pass all child order id's, but make sure you have error handling in place.
as per documentation, is it ok to pass main leg order id to exit bo ?
still modifyboslbridge doesnt seem to work!
by the way i have upgraded kitexl dll
We will check this and revert to you.
But most likely it will be due to the reasons mentioned here.
You can pass any child order id.
Or Simply pass whatever returned from GetChildOrders call to ExitBO/ExitBOBridge, no need to split child orders.
ExitBOSL is working! Modifybosl is hard to configure and one doesn't really need to modifybosl every time LTP changes, that so much of work for excel and oms rather I am trailing stoploss in excel only and exiting when it is hit!