How do we identify bracket order SL or TP hit?

If bracket order executed in market hours orderid will be generated(For after market hour also orderid will be generated). How do i track whether the order closed by sl or tp. What are all the ways to identify bo order Sl or tp hit?
  • sujith
    You will have to see the price of the order to know that.
  • sanyg
    I need to know programmatically how do we need to track. While seeing will get know but questions is how we know if bracket order placed programmatically.
  • ZI4453
    ZI4453 edited September 2019

    "transaction_type": "BUY",
    "trigger_price": 128"</>

  • sujith
    If you have a long position then your target price is greater than entry order price and a stop-loss order price is smaller than entry order price. For a short position it is vice versa.
  • sanyg
    In BO Order response Payload json does not contain parent order id. Without parent order id , i am unable to call exit order in BO. How do i get parent order id in BO.
    Please help...
  • sujith
    If parent order id doesn't exist then it is a parent order. You need to pass this order as a parent order id to get all children.
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