Commodities Historical Data issue

When I try to get historical data using Java API Kite Connect for Commodities its giving up to 15:30 every day. Is there is any issue over this?? Can someone update on this how to get complete data?
  • Kailash
    What interval are you fetching? Day data?
  • sujith
    Can you post your code where you are making getHistoricalData() call?
  • Naresh
    I found the issue ... issue is with the Intstument token.I'm using wring instrument token.
  • Naresh
    And now I'm trying to get the historical data for more than 50 Symbols at a time... but I'm getting "Too Many Requests Message" ... Any help here?
  • Naresh
    Naresh edited October 2016
    This is the code that I'm using:
    Map param8 = new HashMap(){
    put("from", "2016-10-20");
    put("to", "2016-10-20");
    ArrayList instrumentKeys = new ArrayList();
    /* I'm loading arrayList with instruments codes of 50 scrips*/
    for(int i = 0; i<instrumentKeys.size(); i++){
    HistoricalData historicalData = kiteconnect.getHistoricalData(param8, instrument_key, "30minute");

    After getting historical data for 5/6 scripts... i'm getting "Too Many Requests Message"
  • Vivek
    @Naresh You are hitting rate limiting. Read about our ratelimiting here -
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