Historical data issue

Hi. I am trying to get historical data for the instrument token=«15685122», using api_token obtained in login flow. But I receive TokenException:

curl "https://api.kite.trade/instruments/historical/15685122/minute?from=2016-10-24&to=2016-10-26&api_key=xxx&access_token=yyy»
{"status": "error", "error_type": "TokenException", "message": "Invalid API credentials"}

Could you explain why credentials are not working for this request, if I can obtain real time with these credentials without any problems?
  • Vivek
    @22rostislav I just checked with valid access token and api key and it seems to be working fine. Please recheck if your access token and api key combination is right and user didn't logout from kite.
  • pankajrb
    Getting the same error.
  • pankajrb
    I tried by changing the secret key. My app expiry date is till Nov 18, 2017. Getting error: {"status": "error", "error_type": "TokenException", "message": "Invalid API credentials"}

  • Vivek
    Vivek edited October 2016
    @pankajrb Can you please pm your access_token, api_key and user_id so that I can check here. Also make sure that you dont logout after generating the access token.
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