Feature Request: Add monthly candles as well as 20+ year data for history API

This API cost additionally on top of existing API and it's sad it misses a lot of data.

Please consider adding 1 month OHLC candles as well as support for 20-30 year old data for monthly candles.

Additional feature. Allow 20 year data for weekly candles. It's not that many candles if you count. (4 * 12 * 20 = 960 only)
  • sujith
    You can fetch day candles data and build month candles at your end.
  • VarunAgw
    @sujith I will hit API rate limit then.
  • sujith
    For live strategies, we always recommend generating candles at your end. For older data, you can dump it at your end and use that as the source.
    You can refer to this thread to get started.
  • sujith
    In your case, it is day candles. I guess it will be much easier. Since only current day's candle will be missing.
  • VarunAgw
    VarunAgw edited June 2020

    Ok. That's a good workaround. Thanks.

    Still please do consider adding monthly candles. Most of the other API providers have it. I have even seen free APIs providing monthly data.
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