Subscription Package Change Request

sameer edited November 2016 in General
@nithin @Kailash @vivek @sujith

I have two requests:
1) I guess you are currently changing historical API so people can request last N minutes data. I hope we can query multiple symbols in one GET request here. This is important for people constructing minute chart for many(let us say 200) symbols. If u provide one GET request per symbol then its not good becauze:
  1. We can not make more than 180 GET requests per minute as per Kite API restriction
  2. Its slower as 200 network calls made
  3. Some cloud providers restrict on number of GET requests per month
So request you provide feature where we can fetch last N minute current day candles(I guess ur already implementing) BUT for M symbols in one GET request

2) Current subscription is
P1: Streaming + Orders
P2: Historical API (Add-on)

If u r going to provide above feaure-1(1-minute data for M symbols in one GET request), then request u to change packages to:
P1: Streaming + Orders
P2: Historical API + Orders

This way if I want to use only real-time minute data(and not tick data) along-with Orders then I have to pay only Rs.2000 and don't have to waste 2000 on streaming that I am not using

(Although theoretically its possible to construct minute candles from tick data stream, practically:
  1. Its unreliable due to network delay so u might construct Candle-X from half-minute tick stream and next Candle-(X + 1) from 1+1/2 minutes tick stream
  2. Takes client side computing power
  3. If client goes down for 5 minutes, client cannot backfill last 5 minute candles from streaming data
  • sujith
    sujith edited November 2016
    Hi @sameer, platform charges breakup is as follows,
    order execution platform is Rs2000 and for candle api it is Rs2000. Checkout pricing section in this
  • sameer
    Hi @sujith ,
    Please read Q carefully.
    What if I need (placing orders + minute data) but not tick data ?
  • Kailash
    @sameer This is not possible at the moment, nor is it on our roadmap. You can always subscribe to WebSockets and form your own minute candles.
  • sameer
    sameer edited November 2016
    @Kailash I have asked two questions.

    Please read Q carefully. I have clearly mentioned why converting tick to minute data is bad at user end

    Reproducing here:

    "Although theoretically its possible to construct minute candles from tick data stream, practically:
    1. Its unreliable due to network delay so u might construct Candle-X from half-minute tick stream and next Candle-(X + 1) from 1+1/2 minutes tick stream
    2. Takes client side computing power
    3. If client goes down for 5 minutes, client cannot backfill last 5 minute candles from streaming data
  • Matti
    @sameer You don't need to construct candles using tick data. You can simply subscribe to the Candles API and use it to fetch the historical data. The websocket is part of the order execution platform, since order placement would require live market feeds. Backtesting and analysis of historical data is an add-on that can be subscribed to separately.

    You should also note that repeatedly calling the Candles API to get the current market rates doesn't make sense, and you'd be rate limited, which again means you'd require the live websocket stream. So there really is no way to remove websocket streaming from the execution platform.
  • sameer
    Let me reframe my Q.

    I have strategy which downloads intraday minute data for a day at 2:00pm, Do some analysis and places order.
    So I don't need streaming tick data.
    But unnecessarily I have to pay extra Rs.2000 for streaming. Reason u have structured packages such that I have to compulsorily buy streaming if I want candle API or need to place order.

    I have simple request ...
    Please don't tightly couple "tick streaming" with "order management".
    What if somebody wants to purchase "Candle API" with "order management" AND don't want "streaming". Unnecessarily he will have to spend Rs.4000.

  • Matti
    @sameer I understand your plight, but cannot promise a change in the subscription package. Your concern has been forwarded to the concerned team and they're discussing on how best this can be addressed.
  • ishwarm
    ishwarm edited November 2016
    hi @Nikhil.A ,

    Another option would be to have some amount of historical data bundled with the streaming data plan. This is also done by all real-time data providers (for e.g. globaldatafeeds, which provides last 1 month of intraday historical data with their real-time subscriptions).

    This will help in cases where we rely on websocket data to build the 1-minute candles, and due to network disconnection or other issues, we miss some candles. Then, it would still be possible to recover the missing data from the coupled historical data, without having to subscribe to it separately just for such issues. Another scenario is when you go for a vacation for a week or so and come back, you would still be able to start off trading immediately after downloading the missing weeks data, if this recent historical data is coupled with the streaming data plan. Please consider.

    Thanks & Regards,
  • sujith
    Hi @ishwarm,
    I am afraid this is not possible.
This discussion has been closed.