kiteconnect not working today ?

The code that has been working till Y'day , doesn't seem to be working today.
The kiteconnect.getLTP is returning an empty Map for any instrument.
Is it happening only for me or across the board ?
  • samant
    There was no change in code, I got the access and public tokens this morning as usual and stored them in the DB. No changes from my side at all. The kiteConnect.getLTP and kiteConnect.getQuote have just stopped working. They just return an empty map today.
  • sujith
    Can you paste the complete stacktrace here by running with debug logs enabled?
  • sujith
    Make sure to remove app and session related tokens.
  • samant

    This is my code snippet that has been working fine for over a month now, and my subscription is active till 6th DEC.

    And this is the debug info for line ltpMap = kiteConnect.getLTP(instrument);

  • sujith
    We need relevant information to debug the issue and the above things don't make any sense from the APIs perspective.
  • samant
    So basically there is no Exception. kiteconnect is returning an empty map for any instrument.
  • samant
    the call kiteconnect.getLTP("INFY") looks as follows in debugger

    The call looks as follows in debugger

  • samant
    The last 'step in' for get LTP looks as follows

  • samant
    Please note that kiteconnect is not throwing any Exception. Just that its returning an empty map for getLTP and getQuote, for all instruments
  • samant
    Ignore this. This is from my local and I missed to put NSE: in symbol. But basically I tried it on local because, the getLTP in my server code deployed in amazon cloud was giving an issue.
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