You can call subscribe and unsubscribe at any point of time. There is no special call for that. It is just the normal subscribe you use when you start Kite Ticker connection.
Hi, I am trying to do the same thing but the problem is I am little confused how to make this work. For example I am streaming NIFTY 50 and while the connection is live, I want to add another instrument. So if I want to add it you are saying that I need to use the subscribe() function to add the new instrument.
So with my understanding, will the below code snippet work?? kws = KiteTicker("your_api_key", "your_access_token") kws.subscribe(instrument_token_list)
@sujith, @rakeshr thanks for replying. I will explain how I am doing it, I start web socket and screener code in the morning, the web socket will have predefined subscription list based on my live positions. When screener code finds potential trades I want it to add those instruments to the live websocket code without interrupting the data-feed.
in the above example if I want to to add an instrument token to live Websocket I have to manually restart the code to receive new ins_token list from get_ins_token_list_func(). Is there any other way to do it? is it possible to alter subscription?
The Kite Ticker module of pykiteconnect exposes a method called subscribe, you can keep the instance of ticker in your code and call the method.
on_connect is only called once after a new connection is established. You don't actually need to kill connection and re-connect in order to subscribe for a bunch of tokens.
@Guhan As @sujith said, you can use subscribe and unsubscribe method for subscribing/unsubscribing token in WebSocket connection.Eg:
def on_ticks(ws, ticks): if(condition for instrument): ws.subscribe(new token/list of tokens) ws.unsubscribe(remove old token/list of old tokens,ifnot required)
@sujith Thanks for the response, I have tried ticker level kws.subscribe(subscribe_list) it is thowing "Connection error: 0 - error parsing request" and also I have tried inside on_ticks function with conditional subscription there also I got Connection error, do you have any example on subscribe and unsubscribe dynamically other than initial on_connect method or point out any documentation?
@kumar_krishnan, You need to connect ticker first and then inside on_connect callback you can call subscribe. You can check out the documentation here.
@sujith Yes it is already connected and I can see there are ticks which is showing in on_ticks method, during the live streaming time, based on a condition I want to subscribe a new instrument Id and that's the one which throwing error. I have tried subscribe in on_ticks method and also I made ticker as out side variable ,after connecting I have called subscribe function and both are failing.
whileTrue: def on_ticks(ws, ticks): # Methods that subscribe/unsubscribe based on certain condition subscriptionStatus(ticks) ...... def subscriptionStatus(ticks): # condition statement to subscribe or unsubscribe ws.unsubscribe([tokens]) ......... ws.subscribe([tokens]) #Assign callback kws.on_ticks=on_ticks
it is thowing "Connection error: 0 - error parsing request"
You need to paste here a complete error stack trace, this doesn't give enough info.
@rakeshr I have written python flask application, and also I am exposing subscribe flask method to subscribe new instrument during streaming. In subscribe method I am appending the instrument id to subscribe_list that the same list is used in on_ticks method to subscribe the methods looks like as below
subscribe_list =['16492034','16491522','264969']#Default list unsubscribe_list =[]
def kite_ticker_connect(): # Assign the callbacks. kws.on_ticks = on_ticks kws.on_connect = on_connect kws.on_close = on_close # Infinite loop on the main thread. Nothing after this will run. # You have to use the pre-defined callbacks to manage subscriptions. kws.connect(threaded=True)
@app.route("/subscribe",methods=['GET']) def dynamic_subscribe(): print(" /subscribe : Request Params :"+str(request.args)) inst_id = request.args.get("inst_id") symbol = request.args.get("symbol") #Globalization global subscribe_list subscribe_list.append(str(inst_id)) symbol_token_dict.update({str(inst_id):str(symbol)}) print("Subcribed the instrument id :"+str(inst_id)) print(" Current Subscription list :"+str(subscribe_list)) print(" Current symbol_token_dict :"+str(symbol_token_dict))
return str(symbol)+": "+str(inst_id)+" Added to subscribe list, OK ",200
def on_ticks(ws, ticks): print("subscribe list :"+str(subscribe_list)) print("Unsubscribe list :"+str(unsubscribe_list)) if(len(subscribe_list)>0): print(" New subscription found ... "+str(subscribe_list)) try: ws.subscribe(str(subscribe_list)) #Clear the list subscribe_list.clear() ''' if ws.is_connected == True: ws.subscribe(subscribe_list) #Clear the list subscribe_list.clear() else: ws.connect() ws.subscribe(subscribe_list) #Clear the list subscribe_list.clear() ''' exceptExceptionas e: print(e) if(len(unsubscribe_list)>0): print(" New Unsubscription found ... "+str(unsubscribe_list)) try: ws.unsubscribe(unsubscribe_list) #Clear the list unsubscribe_list.clear() exceptExceptionas e: print(e) for tick in ticks: timestamp = instrument_token=tick['instrument_token'] last_price=tick['last_price'] ltp = last_price #print(ltp) ltp_dict.update({'instrument_token':instrument_token,'ltp':ltp}) #print(str(ltp_dict)) symbol=symbol_token_dict[str(instrument_token)] #SET the KEYS with symbolname and ltp #print('symbol: '+symbol+' ltp:'+str(ltp_dict))
app =Flask(__name__)
if __name__ =="__main__": #Ticker Connect kite_ticker_connect() #Initiate the Flask server
/subscribe : Request Params :ImmutableMultiDict([('inst_id', '15262978'), ('symbol', 'NIFTY2140114550CE')]) Subcribed the instrument id :15262978 Current Subscription list :['15262978'] Current symbol_token_dict :{'264969': 'INDIA VIX', '16492034': 'NIFTY21APRFUT', '16491522': 'BANKNIFTY21APRFUT', '15262978': 'NIFTY2140114550CE'} - - [01/Apr/2021 16:29:01] "GET /subscribe?inst_id=15262978&symbol=NIFTY2140114550CE HTTP/1.1" 200 - subscribe list :['15262978'] Unsubscribe list :[] New subscription found ... ['15262978'] Connection error: 0 - error parsing request
Generally which I have noticed I am getting connection error when I call ws.subscribe() or kws.subscribe() method, Please advise me is anything wrong in this approach?
@rakeshr and @sujith I found the issue, I am using instrument token as string with str() function, and subscribe method takes list of integer or long and not string. So that was the problem. Thank you very much to both of you
There is no special call for that. It is just the normal subscribe you use when you start Kite Ticker connection.
I am trying to do the same thing but the problem is I am little confused how to make this work.
For example I am streaming NIFTY 50 and while the connection is live, I want to add another instrument. So if I want to add it you are saying that I need to use the subscribe() function to add the new instrument.
So with my understanding, will the below code snippet work??
kws = KiteTicker("your_api_key", "your_access_token")
Will the code work in Python?
Yeah, you need to use
kws.subscribe(token/list of tokens)
method to subscribe to new instrument each time.Do you have any specific condition to subscribe to the specific list of instrument token?
You can try something below:
Yeah, you can use above sample code for condition-based token subscription.
on_connect is only called once after a new connection is established. You don't actually need to kill connection and re-connect in order to subscribe for a bunch of tokens.
As @sujith said, you can use subscribe and unsubscribe method for subscribing/unsubscribing token in WebSocket connection.Eg:
I have this code now when I add one more token to sub_list using
it should subscribe this token too as in on_ticks
but it shows error
Unhandled Error
Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)
Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (peer dropped the TCP connection without previous WebSocket closing handshake)
Or any one succeeded with Dynamic subscribe and unsubscribe in python?
One can subscribe and unsubscribe for ticks at any time. There is no restrction.
You need to connect ticker first and then inside on_connect callback you can call subscribe.
You can check out the documentation here.
Basic example flow: You need to paste here a complete error stack trace, this doesn't give enough info.
I am getting the below error trace Generally which I have noticed I am getting connection error when I call ws.subscribe() or kws.subscribe() method, Please advise me is anything wrong in this approach?