Historical data for day. Not showing todays data even after closing

Hi, I am using node js client. While fetching historical data for the interval 'day', i am not getting current day's data even after closing, why is it so . Bye the way kindly add nodejs as category :)
  • rakeshr
    rakeshr edited June 2021
    While fetching historical data for the interval 'day', i am not getting current day's data even after closing, why is it so?
    You have to send to-date param as today's date. If still facing the issue, you can paste the exact request param, you are sending.
    kindly add nodejs as a category.
    Thanks for pointing this. We are adding this under category, while starting new discussion.
    Edit: Node js category is added.
  • vivekvs
    kc2.getHistoricalData(408065,'day','2021-05-27','2021-06-03',false,1). this is the part of code
  • vivekvs
    is there an updateon this
  • rakeshr
    Dates are converted to UTC by default in the Axios HTTP client we use for our Node js client. So, you need to convert it back to IST(Indian standard time) at your end.
    I will check more on the other possibility.
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