ReactorNotRunning error on stopping websocket


I am using a threaded connection of kws to receive order modification callbacks. As advised in a reply to my earlier thread, after 3:15PM, I am closing the websocket by passing kws.stop(). However, I am getting hte following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "....", line 34, in
File "/home/.../.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 559, in stop
File "/home/.../.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 711, in stop
raise error.ReactorNotRunning("Can't stop reactor that isn't running.")
twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop reactor that isn't running.

Why is this happening and how can I cleanly stop the websocket?
  • rakeshr
    twisted.internet.error.ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop reactor that isn't running.
    I think this could happen when you don't stop while True loop, so it will keep looping and eventually stop the reactor again. Maybe break the while loop here.
  • cryptonoob321
    Thank you, yes this seems to be the issue
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