Rate limit for kite.ltp()

Kindly let me know if there is any maximum request limit for kite.ltp() call for a day.
  • sujith
    You can read all the rate limits in the FAQs thread.
  • kumarsugesh91
    As per the document if there is no Max rate limit per day. Then how come I got the error "too many requests" ,despite I have used time.sleep(1) in a while loop. That too only calling kite.ltp() in my code.
  • kumarsugesh91
    I got it, that rate limit is defined only per second. Still I am not understanding why I got error "too many requests" in a while loop calling kite.ltp() function at every seconds.
  • sujith
    If you are making invalid requests continuously then server will block you for 10 seconds. Make sure you do the sanity check of your requests and check if you are actually waiting for 1 second before making second request.
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