Connection error: 1006

I am getting this errror .. Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (I dropped the WebSocket TCP connection: close reason without close code)

I am getting this response on_connect
on connect: {"peer": "tcp4:", "headers": {"date": "Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:12:17 GMT", "connection": "upgrade", "upgrade": "websocket", "sec-websocket-accept": "TvQ+ClE+fALFtiJAL+IUi9e/BbU="}, "version": 18, "protocol": null, "extensions": []}

please help me what could be the possble issue
  • rakeshr
    on connect: {"peer": "tcp4:", "headers": {"date": "Tue, 22 Aug 2023 04:12:17 GMT", "connection": "upgrade", "upgrade": "websocket", "sec-websocket-accept": "TvQ+ClE+fALFtiJAL+IUi9e/BbU="}, "version": 18, "protocol": null, "extensions": []}
    The websocket connection is successful.
    Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (I dropped the WebSocket TCP connection: close reason without close code)
    Go through the Python websocket FAQs here.
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