access is blocked

It looks like my access is blocked due to high number of requests. I have fixed my code now. Please help me to unblock.
  • sujith
    Can you private message the api_key and client id? We will check and get back to you.
  • Arockiya_r
    @Sathiyamoorthi Id is not blocked; could you retry and provide more specific information about the problem if you notice any access being blocked?
  • Sathiyamoorthi
    program is hanging while executing this below step
    gen_ssn=kite.generate_session(my_session_token, my_api_secret)
  • sujith
    Can you enable debug logs of pykiteconnect and share the complete stack trace?

    PS: Make sure to remove app and client specific information.
  • Sathiyamoorthi
    EBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:Peer did not staple an OCSP response
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:Requesting OCSP data
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:Using cached OCSP response.
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:OCSP cert status:
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:Peer did not staple an OCSP response
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:Requesting OCSP data
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:Using cached OCSP response.
    DEBUG:pymongo.ocsp_support:OCSP cert status:

    it is getting hanged after this
  • Sathiyamoorthi
    It is my db issue. Please ignore this issue
This discussion has been closed.