ConnectionError:('Connection aborted.',RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without resp


i'm getting connection aborted issue while fetching historical data.

  • psnathavat
    ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response'))
  • KamalChhirang
    KamalChhirang edited February 12
    I also got this error today. Saw it the first time. I got this error while fetching holdings. But on retry, i was able to fetch holdings without any error.
  • jits_1998
    happened a few times today to me too .. before 11 30
  • sujith
    How often do you see this and for which API call?
    @KamalChhirang, @psnathavat,
    Is this only for historical and holdings or happening on other endpoints as well? How often do you get this?

    For now solution is to retry after few milliseconds delay.
  • KamalChhirang
    I Just got this error once on 12th feb at around 15:30 (after market close), while fetching holdings. Never happened again. @sujith
  • psnathavat
    normally,i get error once/twice a week
  • KamalChhirang
    I got this error 1 time while fetching holding, on retry it worked.

    2 times while fetching positions, on 3rd retry it worked.

    Time of error: Around 5:47 PM

    Previously also I got it after the market close. Just mentioning here since this issue is still open, may help you debug.
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