Introducing new feature of auction orders and charges calculation

rakeshr edited July 2023 in General
We have introduced below new changes in the kiteconnect APIs(including all our official language libraries):
  • Holdings auction list: Added in portfolio APIs. It retrieves the list of auction trading instruments. Detailed documentation.
  • Auction order placement: Added in order placement APIs. This includes the addition of auction variety and auction_number identifier in the order placement parameters. Detailed documentation.
  • Order charges: Added in order margin APIs. This includes the addition of showing the breakdown of various charges that will be applied to an order in the order margin response. Detailed documentation.
  • Leverage: Added in order margin APIs. This includes the addition of showing margin leverage allowed for the trade. Detailed documentation.
Below is the released version of our official libraries, which includes the above addition:
Library Version Comment
dotnetkiteconnect v4.1.1 The user needs to upgrade .NET target framework to net6.0, as the previous target netstandard2.0 has reached end-of-life as of Dec 2022.
GoKiteconnect v4.1.0
PyKiteconnect v4.2.0
Kiteconnectjs v4.1.0
phpkiteconnect v4.1.0
javakiteconnect v3.3.2
  • srinidhihebbar
    @rakeshr how is the margin required calculated ? Is it updated on realtime basis, communicating with API is delaying the order execution by a bit, is there anyway I can calculate it in the backend ?
  • rakeshr
    how is the margin required calculated ?
    It's calculated in real-time, considering your open positions and open orders.
    It's a complex calculation. You can keep using order margin APIs. A more detailed explanation is given in this thread.
  • akshayraje
    @rakeshr it seems that auction orders are not yet properly implemented in Publisher (both offsite orders and JS plugin). The required param `auction_number ` is not being passed thru on both these products and hence auction orders are currently broken in Kite Publisher (both offsite orders and JS plugin)
  • harshal
    @rakeshr : Is there any way to get the live offers for each auction through API. I need to get the data thats visible on the kite webapp after clicking the sell button on an individual auction.
  • KamalChhirang
    KamalChhirang edited February 2024
    @rakeshr Can we get a feature that shows stock name + how many quantity exchange wants to buy in Auction, even if the stock is not in my holding right now?

    Right now in order to do this, this is what I do:

    1.) Buy 1 quantity of stocks that I sold from my holding
    2.) Go to bid page and check this manually
    3.) Sell 1 quantity of stock of all shares i purchased.

    I buy/sell a lot of stocks in my holding. So I place like 50 orders (buy+sell) to do this daily. Seems really inefficient.
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