Encountered Read timed out a lot of times today (14 May 2024)

KamalChhirang edited May 14 in General
Hello, I am using Kite HTTP API in python. I got the timeout error like 20+ times today between 09:15-09:20 AM.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.kite.trade', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=0.8)

Please investigate why this happened, and fix it, thank you.

Edit: I am using 0.8 second as timeout limit for HTTP API call, which is more than reasonable. I think in Python Kite library, default timeout limit is 7 seconds, so it is possible other users did not get the timeout error, but the API was slower than expected.
  • himanshu23674
    i also had same issue......
  • RD2033
    RD2033 edited May 14
    A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at 1 [character 2 line 1]
    org.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at 1 [character 2 line 1]

    I had the same issue with above exception
  • rakeshr
    I got the timeout error like 20+ times today between 09:15-09:20 AM.
    Was it for all the API requests or only the order-related API?
  • KamalChhirang
    @rakeshr It was not for all API requests. Many were successful also in first try.

    I got this timeout error 3 times in fetching positions, 20+ times in fetching quote
  • himanshu23674
    major issue while fetching quote....

    hope someone from Rainmatter responds
  • iamshaurya
    Even faced delayed market depth data via getQuote api
    Fetched market depth data at 2024-05-14 09:47:02.445 for BANKNIFTY2451547800PE (Security token : 11305730)

    "11305730": {
    "volumeTradedToday": 12526335,
    "lastTradedQuantity": 45,
    "lastTradedTime": 1715660189000,
    "change": 0,
    "oi": 1648350,
    "sellQuantity": 195330,
    "lastPrice": 297,
    "buyQuantity": 175785,
    "ohlc": {
    "high": 379.05,
    "low": 209.5,
    "close": 273.9,
    "open": 295
    "instrumentToken": 11305730,
    "timestamp": 1715660189000,
    "averagePrice": 287.87,
    "oiDayHigh": 1648350,
    "oiDayLow": 1019565,
    "depth": {
    "buy": [
    "quantity": 30,
    "price": 297.3,
    "orders": 1
    "quantity": 225,
    "price": 297.25,
    "orders": 2
    "quantity": 150,
    "price": 297.2,
    "orders": 2
    "quantity": 390,
    "price": 297.15,
    "orders": 3
    "quantity": 135,
    "price": 297.1,
    "orders": 2
    "sell": [
    "quantity": 90,
    "price": 297.9,
    "orders": 2
    "quantity": 135,
    "price": 297.95,
    "orders": 2
    "quantity": 390,
    "price": 298,
    "orders": 4
    "quantity": 75,
    "price": 298.05,
    "orders": 1
    "quantity": 270,
    "price": 298.1,
    "orders": 2
    "lowerCircuitLimit": 0.05,
    "upperCircuitLimit": 988.35

    Here the timestamp: 1715660189000 is of Tuesday, 14 May 2024 09:46:29, around 33 sec old data
    and on top of there were numerous 504 responses while fetching ltp
  • sujith
    Did you face this issue today as well? We have informed the team to investigate this.
  • himanshu23674
    Today , all wz f9...
  • KamalChhirang
    @sujith I did not face it today yet.

    Yesterday, I faced it again before market closes at 3:30 (I guess the activity was high during that time also).
  • KamalChhirang
    KamalChhirang edited May 21
    @rakeshr @sujith

    I got timed out error like 100+ times today in order placement, cancellation (roughly 10% order placement request failed)
    {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again.', 'data': None, 'error_type': 'NetworkException'}
    HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.kite.trade', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=0.4)
    Other than timed out error, I also got these two responses like 100+ times. So more than 200+ requests failed for me today.
    {'status': 'error', 'message': 'Error parsing response (kt-oms).', 'data': None, 'error_type': 'DataException'}
    {"status":"error","message":"Error parsing response (kt-oms).","data":null,"error_type":"DataException"}
    Please check and fix it as soon as possible.
  • muthunadar
    @sujith i faced time out issue yesterday (31/05/2024) throughout the day from 9.15 till 3.30...Can you pl check and fix .
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