Getting Bad Request on Kite.ltp("NSE:INFY")

I am sending kite.ltp("NSE:INFY"), which have been working till Friday but today I am getting "Bad Request" Error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/sachin/Application/automated_trader/scripts/", line 16, in
d = kite.ltp("NSE:INFY")
File "/home/sachin/Application/automated_trader/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 610, in ltp
return self._get("market.quote.ltp", params={"i": ins})
File "/home/sachin/Application/automated_trader/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 851, in _get
return self._request(route, "GET", url_args=url_args, params=params, is_json=is_json)
kiteconnect.exceptions.InputException: Bad Request
  • mbb123
    I am also getting the same
  • sachinkumarg
    it was working fine till Friday, today only I got this issue.
  • mbb123
    @sachinkumarg from when are you getting this error?
  • sachinkumarg
    sachinkumarg edited May 20
    @mbb123 when I am hitting the kite.ltp function it is returning the error shown in the traceback. It started for me today only as till Friday it worked fine. adding @sujith
  • rushiagr
    @sachinkumarg do you use the official API (using API key etc), or are you trying with emulating a browser or something similar? Asking because official API (which requires a subscription) is working fine for me, whereas seems like the latter alternative is not working, which I tried by emulating browser HTTP API call.
  • Automoney
    I am also getting the same while emulating a browser , any suggestions for the fix?
  • ashbash
    ashbash edited May 21
    I am also getting same error since May 21st. I am emulating curl request
  • sujith
    sujith edited May 21
    This was always the intended behavior. Emulating curl requests of the browser wasn't a service we ever offered.
  • mbb123
    Hey, is it possible to get the permission in some way for the same? i mean, ultimately data is available for download in kite web as well. it's just we have to download from there and paste it where it's required.
  • ashbash
    Hey, I am facing the same issue even when I emulate whole browser using selenium. Would it also be not allowed?
  • Automoney
    Can you please let us know what changes you did in the quote api on web?
  • sujith
    The API service is available only for paying clients. You can subscribe to use the Kite Connect APIs.
  • sachinkumarg
    Got it, let's close this thread...
This discussion has been closed.