Order book shows order as open even when it is complete


Today I placed a BO order of CEATLTD. The BUY order got executed. The sell order got executed at stoploss. But still the square_off value is not cancelled from the orders. This happened couple of times earlier and each time I pay additional charges for Broker squreoff. Please let me know why it is happening.

  • sujith
    Are you sure you are exiting bracket order like this?
  • Srik
    Hi Sujith,

    I'm using python client. Can you explain why we need to exit the order when its stoploss/target is already hit. Also, my bo order works fine for most of the times. Once in a while some BO gets executed in the stoploss but the target does not get cancelled. I believe the target order should get cancelled automatically.

  • sujith
    If it hits the target then it should cancel the stop-loss order.
    We will check and get back to you on this.
    In your orderbook, today all positions are squared off. Did you cancel stop-loss order manually today?
  • puneetbijnor4020
    There is a problem with bo orders.When i placed a bo order of 100 shares of M&M, on first order completion stoploss_order was placed with 13 shares only.There are some bugs
  • sujith
    Hi @puneetbijnor4020,
    When you place an order, it can be executed in a single trade or multiple trades based on the availability of counter order. For bracket orders, each trade will place two counter orders.
    For more information about bracket order check out this thread
  • puneetbijnor4020
    but there was stoploss for only 14 shares. only order resulted in only one trade of 100 shares
  • sujith
    Hi @puneetbijnor4020,
    Are you sure filled_quantity was 100?
  • sujith
    Can you private message order id, client id and date on which this happened?
    We will check and get back to you.
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