status of sold shares in holdings

If I have 20 shares of SBI in my demat account. Now I have sold them today. What will be the values of holdings call on today, t+1 and t+2 day. Values of quantity,t1_quantity etc.
  • sujith
    Hi @puneetbijnor4020,
    If you sell 20 quantity of a holding it will show in positions on the same day as a short position with quantity as -20. It will reduce the quantity of your holdings to 0 immediately.
    Your money will be credited to the trading account after settlement which is after 2 days.

    On Kite after holdings exit, it will show in holdings as 0 quantity on the same day and the entry will be removed the next day.
  • puneetbijnor4020
    what will be the values of t1_quantity field
  • sujith
    t1_quantity is not updated while selling.

    Let us say, you had 40 quantity of SBIN. You had 20 t1_quantity and 20 delivered quantity then it will deduct 20 from t1_quantity immediately.
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