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  • hitesh2609

    I tried placing a Limit Order using the KiteConnect API today right at 9:00:00am.
    However, on the app I noticed something along the lines of "Pending Validation" after which the order got executed at around 9:01:30am
    This is the orderId that the API response returned:
    Order Id: 241223000020548

    If I place the order using the app directly, it usually gets placed around 9:00:06. I am trying to find a way to get my order in right at 9:00:00am

    I am using the official C# client library to do the same.

    Could someone please help suggest why this might be happening? What is the most optimal solution here?

    Thank you,
    December 2024
  • Akashakhan
    Hello Sujith,

    I keep facing this error even though i have done only 23 orders in the day. Can you please siggest any method to bypass this error?
    Error placing sell order for Stock: {
    status: 'error',
    message: 'Maximum allowed order requests exceeded.',
    data: null,
    error_type: 'NetworkException'
    December 2024
  • Akashakhan
    Hello Sujith,

    I am stuck in an error 429 cycle, even on calling the login URL i get error 429. I have applied bottleneck rate limiting and this code has been working since forever but today i am getting error 429 from all the apis i call.
    November 2024
  • Channagiri
    hi Sujith ji, i have been unable to connect to the websocket siince 4 days. i am getting the below error;
    Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (WebSocket connection upgrade failed (429 - TooManyRequests))
    Connection closed: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (WebSocket connection upgrade failed (429 - TooManyRequests)). the same python code works perfectly for a different client ID, i have been using the code for 2 years almost and never had an issue, how do i sort the issue now? is my client id blocked from using websockets? please HELP i am unable to run my algos.
    regards, Channagiri(Bengaluru)
    October 2024
  • rubygandhilal
    import os
    import time
    import logging
    import requests
    import redis
    from dash import Dash, html, dcc
    from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
    from optionchain_stream import OptionChain

    # Configure logging
    logging.basicConfig(filename='option_stream.log', level=logging.INFO)

    # Redis configuration
    REDIS_HOST = 'localhost'
    REDIS_PORT = 6379

    # Kite API credentials
    API_KEY = os.getenv('KITE_API_KEY')
    API_SECRET = os.getenv('KITE_API_SECRET')
    EXPIRY_DATE = '2024-10-10'

    # Connect to Redis
    redis_client = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT)
    print("Connected to Redis.")
    except redis.ConnectionError as e:
    print("Failed to connect to Redis. Make sure Redis server is running.")

    # Create an OptionChain object
    def create_option_stream():
    option_stream = OptionChain(
    October 2024
  • diwakerkla
    Hi @Sujith,

    Related to POST /charges/orders

    is this working, its giving error message.

    error computing margins: error getting rmscore: core({NSE-FNO }) not found
    June 2024
  • ashbash
    Hi Sujith,

    I am simulating browser. Not using api_key.
    May 2024
  • hbinmadi
    hi sujit, how do you use the total buy and sell qty in the tick data of the options
    December 2023
  • Channagiri

    this python code logs in successfully (access token provided ), it fetches histrorical data in loop but it is not placing orders as per the given trading logic. but after a while (like an hour) sudden random trades are automatically placed in the zerodha kite mobile app. Is the kite.place_order thing not working? i have checked the documentation but couldnt identify the problem. please help Sujith ji !
    December 2023
  • sai11
    hi sujith,

    i am planning to do multiple api streaming in kite zerodha. is it possible ?
    November 2023
  • VulturesPick
    Hi Sujith

    How to do private messaging?

    August 2023
  • VGQ724
    Hi sujith can you help me with this

    REQUEST TOKEN not getting generated, i have been trying for the last 5 days can you please please help me out.

    Charles John
    [email protected]
    August 2023
  • shindesatishsss
    hi @sujith

    I am getting this error when I am trying to get the access token
    {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}

    Steps I am doing -
    I am using golang SDK
    - starting app, I got the login URL
    - go to login URL, I can see the login UI. added details (ID password) then It asks me for app code. I get the app code from kite app.

    July 2023
  • KNR
    Hi Sujith, suppose I have placed an order for 1000 quantity but at a moment only 300 filled. (700 unfilled at the moment)
    Now can I modify the order quantity to 1200? So that it has 900 unfilled at the moment. My system would wait for order to complete. Is it allowed to increase overall quantity of a partially filled order?

    April 2023
  • tahseen
    Hi Sujith,

    The code pasting in your forum is not good. Sometimes I want to also help people through code and find it difficult to paste it here. Python codes have indentation. Even when I use the code tag, it doesn't help much.
    March 2023
  • vjp2610
    @sujith sir
    I have credited 2000 rs. in billing & then created an app but i not working so, i deleted it. now my 2k rs. wasted, as if i want to create app once again zerodha charges 2k more. pl. do needful. i want to link my tradingview account to zerodha. need your guidance.
    March 2023
  • Riya

    I am getting the login page through this. But where I will get the access token.

    After login error is displayed as
    The user is not enabled for the app, data null, error type input exception

    How to resolve, pl guide
    February 2023
  • mohitag
    Hi Sir,

    Hope you are doing well.

    I am writing to you since the question I posted is stuck in draft since past few days. It is not getting published.

    I am facing some issue connecting to websocket. Here is the error I am getting - "Connection error: 1006 - connection was closed uncleanly (WebSocket connection upgrade failed (403 - Forbidden))"

    I have searched the already existing queries on the same error but the reason seems to be invalid access_token. I have checked multiple times from my end and all the parameters seem to be fine. I have tried it in different IDEs - jupyter notebooks and Visual studio code. I also tried downgrading kiteconnect from 4.1 to 4.0 but nothing seems to be working. I am still getting the same error.

    Other api calls like and kite.profile() are working fine but I am not connecting to websocket. It has been almost 1 week since I subscribed to kite connect. I request your help in resolving this issue. Sharing the code below.
    November 2022
  • laxmiprasu2002

    Can you please help me on API bridge between Amibroker and Kite API connect
    November 2022
  • IO4946
    Hi Sujith,
    I m getting this error :
    {"status":"error","message":"Invalid user session.","data":null,"error_type":"TokenException"}
    I had seen the links related to this issue but its not solving my problem.
    June 2022
    • IO4946
      Please Reply
    • IO4946
      I need help in this plz
    • IO4946
      * I have created the app on kiteconnect.
      * then login to the kiteconnect using api_key and api_secret and got the link.
      * then pasted the above link in chromes incognito mode as well the other browser.
      * login screen appears after that asking userid and password.
      * user id i put same as what i put in my kite.zerodha account , it asks for pin even i give it.
      * after that i get this in the browse is : {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}
      and the in url is :

      I dont get any request tokens.
      Please help me.
    • AbhyudayaCodes25
      * after that i get this in the browse is : {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}, for your information, I can help you with this message a bit.
      When you were creating the app, you were required to input a user id, you can only with that user id in the login page that opens. If you login from any other user id, it sends this message.
  • akshayt
    Hi Sujith sir,
    I am trying to automate trading on Zerodha, but I keep geting "TokenException: Token is invalid or has expired." error message. Can you please help?
    I've created a discussion around this -

    Please help.

    August 2022
  • Tusshar18
    Hi Sujith

    I have enabled the TOPT authentication, but I am not able to login into my using codes, as in auto login, i have to enter the code manually to login into the same

    The login flow is going well through password, but i need to add the TOPT code manually

    when TOPT authentication was made mandatory, I read in the forum, that you just need to replace the pin with the TOPT key, but its not helping

    Need Help
    June 2022
  • sagar_yv
  • swarajmotiwale
    Hi sujith,
    is there any way to fetch the historical orders for a users.
    As i read from the previous discussion there is no back office api provided. Any update on that?
    April 2022
  • bhupeniitd01
    hi sujith...this is my api key
    April 2022
  • Sundar_G
    You can go through login flow FAQs here. ==> Already have set all credential as mentioned in this solution
    January 2022
  • Sundar_G
    need it for Expiry Trading, please help urgently
    {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}
    I have created two API connection for same Zerodha User Id, First one am able to connect, 2nd one connection is failing, please help
    api_key = 8pxz1hr457b51yxl
    January 2022
  • Sundar_G
    {"status":"error","message":"The user is not enabled for the app.","data":null,"error_type":"InputException"}
    I have created two API connection for same Zerodha User Id, First one am able to connect, 2nd one connection is failing, please help
    api_key = 8pxz1hr457b51yxl
    January 2022
  • krishkalyani
    @sujith , Its working in separate threads. Thank you very much
    January 2022
  • rubaljhavar
    Hi @sujith, On placing orders through publisher API, some order legs are giving error as "account_id" should be 6 char uppercase. It was working fine since yesterday

    December 2021