in my opinion,rather than polling the order-status every n seconds a better approach would be setup a Web-hook and only fetch the order book when there is a event published in the web-hook,
or check for any string message in the web-socket stream an…
you need to pass the api key of the publisher app that you create.
Just to make it clear again creating a publisher app and using its api key is free.
you will only be charged if you create a kite connect app and use its api key
you can find info a…
Hello, @samp publisher can be used to place javascript button on a webpage which will redirect you to you a small order place window. so basically you can pre-fill quantity price and order type etc and initiate the order window through this button.
i cant remember where but i have read somewhere that websocket transfers around 1 kb of data for the complete marketwatch per second, so (1 * 6 * 60 *60)= 21600 or 21 mb
@arsh8singhs what @sujith meant was trying to open the url from another device outside of your network (may me on a mobile device with 3g connection) because the web address is not reachable from outside world now.
even i tried and there was no res…
@noor i guess the reason @sujith asked about PI is because the Token is invalidated when you login to PI.
More information is needed here as to where are you storing you Token and how are you passing it to your code.
Without which its really diffic…
historical candles are available on all time frames as displayed on kite web platform.
yes you need base subscription for placing orders .
You have to calculate pnl and date etc at your end.
@batbark The main script run in an infinite loop. you have to do your calculations and ingesting to database etc
using the mentioned callbacks (on_tick).
So the ontick definition will handle that part
@RL0520 as from your stack-trace it can be seen that "transaction_type= " parameter is missing.Could you confirm you are passing the value for that parameter.?
you can refer docs here
@Learner This question has been asked many times and they have replied a lot of time that they currently donot provide demo accounts.So yes you have to pay for testing your app too
@Rishant i guess the way it works is,it creates a 15 minute candle from the data till most recent 1 minute candle
So for example if you call the api at 9:29 for a 15 minute candle you would get a candle thats made up of 14 1 minute candles (9:15 - 9…