@sujith @themohammedfaisal
ok thanks.
Also,what about the list of futures and options scrips(that includes stock f&o,currency f&o and commodities f&o) that are
*allowed under mis
*that are illiquid
*that are blocked.
PLease let me wh…
@sujith The below question is still valid as the file has not been updated regarding the below question.
*in the file "consolidated list of scrips blocked/allowed by RMS",there are 409 scrips that are "allowed under mis"(all these have leverage mor…
I have the following questions.
*in the file you have referred i.e in "consolidated list of scrips blocked/allowed by RMS",there are 409 scrips that are "allowed under mis"(all these have leverage more than 1X) and 1261 scrips "blocked un…
@sujith the problem is like in the case of MCX.recently the trading hours were changed from around 09:00 to 23:30 to 09:00 to around 17:00.now,one does not know while parsing historical data,what were the trading hours during that day-for eg 4 year…
@sujith ok.hereafter,please fill up values as open,high,low,close as the last traded value and volume as 0 in such cases as it is easier to parse.this is a suggestion i wish to make.
@sujith its probably because of simultaneous kite connect sessions.i have made a turnaround to avoid simultaneous kite connect sessions.lets see if this works or i will get back to you.
@sujith i did not login through any other kite session that day.again on 27th may 00:01:44,i got this message of session expired.at that time,i was sleeping and did not log in to any kite account .so can you please tell me exactly why the session ex…
@sujith tony stark says in that thread "This will not affect Kite Connect apps.".My question is why did my kite connect(java program) got message of session expiry.
@sujith also,is'nt there a number of modification requests per order as per the below link.
it is currently 25 due to increased volatility. correct me …
in the thread vivek mentions the following.
Vivek February 2019 edited February 2019 Flag
@sabyasm I have looked in to your requests and it seems like your are consistently sending more than 200 write requests per minute (mostly PUT req…
@sujith at 12:05,i tried connecting again and it connected.from then on,its running fine.before that when it threw error,my internet network was fine and i visited several websites.im not able to understand what caused this error.
@Imran I saw that link.There sujith has asked to use LTP(LastTradedPrice)>If that is the case what does the getOpenPrice(),getHighPrice(),getLowPrice(),getClosePrice() return in the tick class.is it not the OHLC of that particular period between …
@sujith please correct me if im wrong but i was using pi scanner for applying my logic.due to too much load,it started becoming slow and incorrect.so if pi scanner also uses level 2 data and kite connect websocket also uses level 2 data,then its fin…
@sujith i was told by one of zerodha people over the phone that the kite connect data is the same as that which is used for zerodha pi charts or kite web platform.please let me know if that(pi scanner or pi charts or kite web)is also snapshot data a…
@sujith volume traded for the day is volume for the entire day.i don't need volume for the entire day.i need volume only for 5 min candles for the last 50 candles.so i thought i can use last traded quantity and collate it for every 5 mins and use it…
Thanks @sujith.the parameters does contain "Last traded quantity" which is the volume for the latest tick.correct me if im wrong.
i have following more questions.
1.is it right that the class for websockets is "KiteTicker".is there any other class/…