Order request timed out but eventually got placed after 8 seconds. But the error code sent was 400 instead of >= 500.
Exception msg: Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again. Exception code: 400
As per the doc, 400 error code corresponds to "Missing or bad request parameters or values" which should be retried only after fixing the params but in this case order placed successfully. It should be 500 or above, so that we can different time out errors from the bad request
These are the 2 orders fired @ 15:20 PM, both timed out but eventually got placed after 8 seconds. Both order requests failed with error code 400.
I had the same issue for three orders placed on Oct8 at 14:59 with order IDs 211008004030299, 211008004030951, and 211008004031621. Please let us know a way of handling these issues in code so that we don't inadvertently place multiple orders. Thanks.
Please let us know a way of handling these issues in code so that we don't inadvertently place multiple orders.
This is the error message -
`Order request timed out. Please check the order book and confirm before placing again`