Paritally Filled Order

Once an Order is executed, the
onOrderUpdate(Order order)
gets called, which contains various parameters as below:

public class Order {

public String exchangeOrderId;
public String disclosedQuantity;
public String validity;
public String tradingSymbol;
public String orderVariety;
public String userId;
public String orderType;
public String triggerPrice;
public String statusMessage;
public String price;
public String status;
public String product;
public String accountId;
public String exchange;
public String orderId;
public String symbol;
public String pendingQuantity;
public Date orderTimestamp;
public Date exchangeTimestamp;
public Date exchangeUpdateTimestamp;
public String averagePrice;
public String transactionType;
public String filledQuantity;
public String quantity;
public String parentOrderId;
public String tag;
public String guid;

My question is regarding the partially executed LIMIT (or SL) order. Lets say I have placed a SL buy order for 1000 quantity of BANKNIFTY options at say Rs. 100. Now in the first go, only 300 quantity gets executed (or bought). In the second go after a few seconds another 500 gets executed. So in the Order update that I receive via Websocket, will have the following values:

// First-Go // Second-Go
public String orderType; // SL // SL
public String averagePrice; // 100.00 // 100.00
public String status; // COMPLETE // COMPLETE
public String filledQuantity; // 300 // 500
public String quantity; // 1000 // 1000
public String pendingQuantity; // 700 // 200

My query is pertaining to the following fields
  1. filledQuantity : Will it be 500 or 800 after the Second-Go?
  2. orderType : Will it be SL or will it be LIMIT (as after triggering an SL it will be a normal LIMIT order)
Lastly, I'm asking this question as I'm not sure as to when I might hit this situation.
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