Getting Gateway Timedout Exception

kbhari90 edited February 2017 in Python client

I am trying to get the historical data for individual instruments and save them in local database using Historical API. I have already subscribed for the same. I am getting Gateway Timedout Exception after 3 or 4 successive Instrument historical calls. I am placing only 3 calls per second thus playing under the API limit.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kalki/Downloads/Market/com/kite/connections/", line 160, in
File "/home/kalki/Downloads/Market/com/kite/connections/", line 140, in populateMinuteTables
historicalData = kite.historical(rows[i][0], str(fromDate), str(toDate), interval)
File "/home/kalki/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 423, in historical
"interval": interval})
File "/home/kalki/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 463, in _get
return self._request(route, "GET", params)
File "/home/kalki/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/kiteconnect/", line 522, in _request
raise ex.ClientNetworkException("Gateway timed out", code=504)
kiteconnect.exceptions.ClientNetworkException: Gateway timed out

Helping on this would be greatly appreciated because i am getting this error from yesterday evening.

  • sujith
    Hi @kbhari90,
    Can you give some more details about what scrip you are trying to access and what are the params you are sending?
  • kbhari90
    Hi @sujith ,

    I am trying to get minute(30 days cap at each request) data of instruments from nifty 50. I am using the following python code to get the same:
    historicalData = kite.historical(rows[i][0], str(fromDate), str(toDate), interval)
    where row[i][0] is instrument token from instruments list, fromDate and toDate are date format values parsed as sting and interval contains "minute" as value.

    I am able to get minute data for one or two instruments without any error and then ClientNetwork error (Gateway timeout) is thrown and the script stops going forward. I am making the script to sleep for one second every 3 requests for api limit cap as well.

  • Vivek
    @kbhari90 You can set timeout to higher than current value to check if it solves your issue. You can set timeout while initializing like this

    kite = KiteConnect(api_key="your_api_key", timeout=15)

    Default timeout is 7 sec.
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