I just tried to punch an iceberg order with 3802 QTY, it punched well without any issues. (for NIFTY) I am curious Why Does API accepted that order at first place? secondly What will happen once it start executing?
I just tried to punch an iceberg order with 3802 QTY, it punched well without any issues. (for NIFTY) I am curious Why Does API accepted that order at first place? ....quantity=3802, price=0.05, trigger_price=0, iceberg_legs=3,
3802 qty gets split into no. of legs steps(3 here), so it's within the freeze qty(2801). Go through this article to know more about iceberg order.
[+] Order Placed BUY NIFTY22O2017300CE, NRML, LIMIT, quantity=125, price=0.05, trigger_price=0, iceberg_legs=2, iceberg_quantity=100 , id#221014001172893
(Personally I Consider this is good- Please do not remove this)
what will happen to my 3rd leg ?
leg1 -> 1300
leg2 -> 1300
leg3 -> 1202 (will system consider it as 1200 qty or it will reject my order due to invalid lot size)