Postback for squareoff or Kite Web Action

When postback URL is configured on the API, will it be sending postback call for position MIS square-off end of day and also for manual exit from the kite console (Order Entered through API)?
  • bullish_trader
    The FAQs helped to troubleshoot the issues with my Postback receiver. Able to receive Postbacks for all of my trade.
    However, I don't receive postback for the squareoff execution (MIS) . Also, when I query the orders API, the data does not have Tag value that set while placing the order as well as SL-M order.

    Is it normal behaviour not to receive postback for squareoff and how to track the squareoff trade?
  • sujith
    Postbacks are only sent for the orders that originates from your api_key, it is not sent for orders that are placed via other platforms or kite web or app. You will need to listen to order updates via Websockets to cover this usecase.
  • bullish_trader
    The MIS entry order was placed from the Kite API. So, the SQF still does not qualify for Postback? When I query the Order ID the response has "placed_by: ADMINSQF".

    When I listen through WebSockets, will it contain the Tag that I set during the entry order?
  • rakeshr
    When I listen through WebSockets, will it contain the Tag that I set during the entry order?
    Yes. You will get the tag field in the websocket order update response.
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