Update Access Token everyday

DM2290 edited January 2024 in Node JS client
Dear @sujith and @rakeshr ,

I want to be able to update my access token everyday before 8 am so that I can save it in my database and retrieve it when I login at 9 am on my app. How can I do this as the access token generation requires manual entry for logging into Kite web? Please advice.
  • MAG
    You need to log in manually everyday. Thats an exchange mandate. And everyone here does the same.
    The only variable that varies everyday is the request token which needs to be generated manually

    So what you can do is script it up such that it prompts you for the request token and everything is done automatically. This makes it almost effortless.
    I have written a script called accesstoken.py. It prompts for the request token and then generates the access token and updates it wherever needed. Takes like 15 seconds every morning anytime between 7:30am to 9:00 am.
  • DM2290
    Thanks @MAG for your response.

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