503 Service Unavailable - No server is available to handle this request.

KamalChhirang edited June 3 in General
I got this error like 10+ times today. I am not getting this in just Kite API, but also Kite Web.

503 Service Unavailable

\nNo server is available to handle this request.\n
Please try to fix it as soon as possible. Am I the only one who is getting this error today or many?

No mention of this problem here, usually Zerodha mentions it, If something goes wrong.
  • KamalChhirang
    KamalChhirang edited June 10
    @rakeshr @sujith I got the same error today many times 50+ times.

    Please try to fix it!

    <html><body><h1>503 Service Unavailable</h1>
    No server is available to handle this request.
  • sujith
    For which API call you got this error? Do you have timestamp for couple of requests?
  • KamalChhirang
    KamalChhirang edited June 10
    It was only quote API via HTTP request. @sujith

    09:15:47 (3 requests failed)
    09:15:48 (1 requests failed)
    09:15:49 (4 requests failed)
    09:15:50 (6 requests failed)
    09:15:51 (3 requests failed)
    09:15:52 (2 requests failed)
    09:15:53 (2 requests failed)
    09:15:54 (2 requests failed)
    09:15:56 (1 requests failed)
    09:15:57 (4 requests failed)
    09:15:58 (2 requests failed)
    09:15:59 (1 requests failed)
    09:16:00 (2 requests failed)

    Once the quote API request fails, I retry after waiting for 100ms - 250ms. That's why, soo many requests.
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