Inconsistency in Historical Minute Data downloaded using KiteConnect

I downloaded 1 minute historical data for "AARTIIND" using kiteconnect's Python client and then proceeded to do some sense check to verify its validity. i found that the OHLC data downloaded using the API is inconsistent with what is being shown on the charts in the zerodha kite app itself. I also verified the OHLC price using 3rd party services and its the same proble , i.e. , there seems to be error in data provided by Kite Zerodha. For e.g., take 07 November 15:28 OHLC data. on the charts it shows a low of 512.48. However kiteconnect's data shows a low of 514.00 on the same timestamp. It seems that the API is providing the wrong data? Can the Zerodha team please provide justification for this discrepancy?
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