postback for iceberg orders

Request you to provide some clarity on iceber orders and postbacks:-
1) Is there a guarentee that every update for orders place through the api will be sent
2) For iceberg orders, when we call place_order function in python, do we get all legs in one order_id or multiple order ids
3) If we get multiple order ids,
4) Do we get postbacks for settlement or expiry etc for positions we acquired through the api
5) Do we get postbacks for other orders we did from other than our api?
  • sujith
    If an order is placed from the Kite Connect app, then posbacks are sent to that Kite Connect app. Yes, you get postback for all the updates.
    When one places an iceberg order with multiple legs, only one order is created, once that completes another leg is triggered.
    You do get multiple order ids.
    Postbacks are sent for every trade but it is not related to if you are taking a position or exiting a position. You will have to pull positions and check whenever you receive postback.
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