1. Is the Kite Connect API fully JAVA supported? 2. What is the subscription Price? (Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly etc.) 3. If I subscribe it for present month then it is automatically renew on next month or I have manually renew it? 4. What is the subscription policy? Every month 1st to Last date or any date. ie. 4th Feb,18 to 3rd March,18 or 17th Feb,18 to 16th March,18. 5. Can I get real time data of the Stock using JAVA API as below 1. Last Trading Price of the stock (real time)? 2. First 5 Bid & Offer Qty? 3. Last Minute Opening, High, Low and Close Price of Particular Stock? 6. Can I get real time MACD chart indicator value (%K & %D) like another (Moving average, STOCH etc.) using API? 7. What is the Exchange Approval? and in which condition it will required? 8. If I place the order using Kite Connect API and want to show and modify using Kite web, Can it possible? 9. JAVA API available free for one week trail period? 10. Is any Sandbox or Testing Server available?
The APIs are charged at Rs. 2000 per app per month.
In the Kite Connect billing page, you'll see an option to connect your Zerodha account to your Kite Connect account. This would enable auto renewal. If not, you'll have to manually renew your subscription at the end of each month.
The subscription is valid for 30 days from the day you subscribe. So, you can start your subscription on any date and renew it every 30 days then on.
Yes, you receive a real-time stream of the LTP and the top 5 bids and offers.
The stream is ephemeral, so you wouldn't get data for the previous minute. However, we do offer a historical data API that you can use to fetch past data. This is offered as an addon to the execution APIs charged at an additional Rs. 2000 per app, per month.
No, you;d have to calculate the indicator values on your own.
Exchange approvals are required for any strategy to wherein automation of trades is involved. Best write to talk@rainmatter.com for details.
Yes, you can view and modify orders placed via the APIs on the Kite web or mobile interface.
A trial period or a sandbox isn't available at the moment.
Q. Can I get Last Minute Opening, High, Low and Close Price of Particular Stock? A. The stream is ephemeral, so you wouldn't get data for the previous minute. However, we do offer a historical data API that you can use to fetch past data. This is offered as an addon to the execution APIs charged at an additional Rs. 2000 per app, per month.
as per my understanding there is below function in API.
public void getHistoricalData(KiteConnect kiteConnect) throws KiteException { /** Get historical data dump, requires from and to date, intrument token, interval * returns historical data object which will have list of historical data inside the object*/ Map param8 = new HashMap(){ { put("continuous", 0); put("from", "2017-10-09 15:00:00"); put("to", "2017-10-09 15:03:00"); } }; HistoricalData historicalData = kiteConnect.getHistoricalData(param8, "256265", "3minute"); System.out.println(historicalData.dataArrayList.size()); System.out.println(historicalData.dataArrayList.get(0).volume); System.out.println(historicalData.dataArrayList.get(historicalData.dataArrayList.size() - 1).volume); }
as per above function Can I get data of last three minute candle?
I am little bit confuse regarding my below query.
Q. Can I get Last Minute Opening, High, Low and Close Price of Particular Stock?
A. The stream is ephemeral, so you wouldn't get data for the previous minute. However, we do offer a historical data API that you can use to fetch past data. This is offered as an addon to the execution APIs charged at an additional Rs. 2000 per app, per month.
as per my understanding there is below function in API.
public void getHistoricalData(KiteConnect kiteConnect) throws KiteException {
/** Get historical data dump, requires from and to date, intrument token, interval
* returns historical data object which will have list of historical data inside the object*/
Map param8 = new HashMap(){
put("continuous", 0);
put("from", "2017-10-09 15:00:00");
put("to", "2017-10-09 15:03:00");
HistoricalData historicalData = kiteConnect.getHistoricalData(param8, "256265", "3minute");
System.out.println(historicalData.dataArrayList.get(historicalData.dataArrayList.size() - 1).volume);
as per above function Can I get data of last three minute candle?
You can check out this thread.